
Betbase is a peer-to-peer skills-based prediction market protocol for web3 consisting of immutable and open source smart contracts deployed onchain.

The protocol is deployed on Base, the Coinbase backed Layer 2 solution that was developed in partnership with Optimism. Base is backed by Coinbase’s decade of experience in building the best consumer-facing experiences for crypto users. Base’s vision for its L2 aligns perfectly with the long-term vision of the Betbase protocol: to be the platform-of-choice for millions of users seeking a seamless experience to participate in decentralized prediction markets. Betbase is a skill-based gaming and wagering hub and is launching with its first product: sports wagering. We believe that the future is onchain and our mission is to bring permissionless skill-based gaming and prediction markets in a non custodial, trustless and transparent manner.

Betbase has developed a comprehensive roadmap and go-to-market strategy that leverages cutting edge AI mechanisms and Optimism Superchain infrastructure to facilitate true on-chain wagering activities that were not possible before. All protocol fees from all products, present and future, will be used to buyback and burn our ecosystem token $BET.

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